Whether it be out of your own mouth, a friend or a sitcom on TV almost every woman has said, “I have nothing to wear!” Sitting there with a closet full of clothes most of us have felt like there was nothing we could wear in that moment. Personally, I am a planner and I put a lot of thought into what I am going to wear to an event or even day to day. Ask Justin, I have a rack in our bedroom that is to lay out my weeks’ worth of clothing. But there are days when I wake up and have no clue what to wear and I am going to give you a few easy outfits that always work.
Let’s talk about why we feel like we don’t have anything to wear.
The first issue is that you don’t have enough basics. I have discussed this before, when you buy all event or specific clothes it can feel like you don’t have anything in your closet that fits the particular event you are trying to dress for. Make sure that your closet has enough basics so you can create outfits.
The second is that you are feeling overwhelmed with putting an outfit together. The pieces are there but you are struggling to get it together into an outfit you like. This is the part I can help you with.
{P,S. I realized in writing this post that I have never done a blog post on basics or essentials in your closet so hold on and that will come next week. }
Outfit One
The biggest thing about dressing is not overcomplicating it. Especially if you are in a rush. What are you dressing for and how can you get that chic effortless feel? My go to is always going to be a white tee and jeans. This outfit combination is going to work for just about anything from a PTA Meeting to a lunch with friends to a casual Friday at work. It is also going to work in any season. I styled this outfit for fall and thew on a distressed olive jacket on top.
Outfit Two
You need a black dress. It does not have to be fancy or expensive, but you need it. If you don’t have one in your closet, make it your next purchase. This is going to get you through every dressing emergency from a funeral to date night. I prefer to pair a black dress with a nude shoe. It just makes the entire outfit a little chicer.
Outfit Three
This is my three-piece winner. Top, Bottom, Overlay. This works for skirt, tank, cardigan. It will also work for skirt, tee, moto jacket. The greatest part is this is where mixing patterns and textures can really help so you don’t need to worry about your outfit matching. It needs to coordinate.
Another reason this is one of my go-to options is that it will work for any season. It would work with boots, sneakers or sandals.
Outfit Four
This isn’t a full outfit idea but… Add a belt. Sometimes I put on an outfit, and I am just not feeling it I will add a belt and it makes me like it. If you are on the fence about something you are wearing add an accessory and see if it works.
Final Thoughts
Like most things in life don’t over complicate it. Many days the chicest I feel is when I am wearing simple, classic outfits. When you start to feel that I don’t have anything to wear, panic coming along remember to keep it simple. Accessories will always help you bump that look up a notch.
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