Like most of you we are trying to find a masks that will work for all of the boys for school. I am updating this list of local and online resources.
How to Overcome the Afternoon Boredom
Two times in the last week I have seen a post on Facebook asking, “What do you do with your kids after school that does not involve tv or an ipad?” This was definitely a struggle for me when the…
Back 2 School
Five Minutes a Day
Sunday is Mother’s Day and I have been wanting to share this with you for a while. My heart is burdened for moms out there who feel they are alone in a situation, doing it wrong or second guessing themselves….
What the Art?
If you ask my kids what I do with their art they will tell you throw it away without skipping a beat. In reality they are only half way right. No, I do not keep everything. It is far too…