Each year in December we host the King Annual Cookie Party for our friends. It is such a nice time to spend together laughing and watching the kids have a good time. The holidays seem to go by faster and faster each year, and I am so glad this is a tradition we have hung on to although we did have to reschedule last year due to the pandemic.
Last year…

My Cookie Party Set Up

The cookie party stated long before we had kids. When my close friends started having babies, I wanted to think of something I could do with them rather than buying gifts each year. We started the idea of teaching them how to bake. When we first started this party, I would spend the day baking with friend’s kids and then we would frost all of the cookies too. It was fun but a labor-intensive day. Now I opt for having the Rouses bakery do the baking and frosting for me.
But if you want to make your own this recipe is a great sugar cookie and this for gingerbread as well as this one for frosting.
How to Throw the Perfect Cookie Party…
I make this party super easy on myself. I call Rouses and have them make the sugar cookies and frosting for me. The cookies come in dozens, and you buy the frosting by the pound. A pound of frosting goes a long way just so you know.
The frosting is buttercream so I leave it out on the counter for about 30 minutes before the party so the kids can spread it easily. Some of the toppings I get are colored sprinkles, peppermints, chocolate chips, marshmallows and gummy bears. Usually, our friends will bring sprinkles and other goodies, so we never lack for ways to decorate the cookies.
Each child gets three cookies. One to eat and two to bring home. I also usually have a cookie tin for each family so they can transport their cookies easily.
This is one of those events that doesn’t have to be fancy in order to be fun! Paper tablecloths, paper plates and plastic knives makes clean up a breeze!

Just in case you wanted my homemade eggnog recipe…
Homemade Eggnog
12 eggs
12 tbsp. sugar
1 quart half and half
1 quart condensed milk
2 cups brandy
1 cup whiskey
1 cup rum
4 oz sherry
Blend Eggs. If you are worried about serving the eggs raw you can temper them. Allow the mixture to chill before serving. Serve over ice.
Concluding Observations
Entertaining at the holidays is always fun. The kids had a wonderful time decorating the cookies because we really let them all do what they want. Even if it means they use a whole container of sprinkles. I always enjoy watching their faces when they decorate.
For more holiday fun check out the full Holiday Guide!
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