{This post is in partnership with LOFT Lakeside. All thoughts, opinions and ideas are mine.}
Some years in Louisiana is feels like we have two seasons. Eight months of summer and two semi winter months. Other years it is more like summer, fake fall, more summer, winter, spring, fake spring, winter, summer. It makes dressing in the in between seasons a little awkward.
At some point in my life I would love to live somewhere that has four actual season. We miss things like fall and spring the most. Since there isn’t more than a few days of spring weather before it gets hot we really don’t need to invest in things like fall or spring jackets. Honestly a lot of people don’t even invest in winter coats anymore. It feels a little pointless.
The winter/spring weirdness is in full effect already. Last week it was humid and in the 80’s and then the next day in the 40’s. The pollen has already started and I am waiting for the azaleas to bloom in the yard. People are already swimming. February is the new April here in Louisiana.
Normally I don’t invest in spring pieces but this year I really wanted a cute sweater and some light weight pants. I may not get to wear them for very long before the summer heat kicks in but they made me happy. I bought this outfit without thinking that I would wear it together but something about it just worked.

Top or this or this // Pants // Shoes
So even if it’s not the most practical find something fun for spring and enjoy the cooler weather even if it’s just for a few weeks.
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